Musing Moments that Matter
Stay up-to-date on the things that matter most
Introductory Message
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sodales iaculis tristique. Phasellus sit amet tellus posuere, rhoncus lectus a, sollicitudin ex. Pellentesque sit amet vehicula diam. Nulla facilisi. Aenean ante magna, mollis ut turpis a, accumsan sagittis magna. Integer ut nunc nec nulla congue tempor ut et lorem. Vivamus vehicula, erat nec pretium imperdiet, lorem mauris sodales lorem, eget dictum felis purus quis neque.
That was then – this is now
Dear Residents, Family Members, Friends, and Staff: ‘No one can go back and start a new beginning. Always we can start today to create a new ending “Shalom Village as described by the MOHLTC inspection report (reporting actions from earlier this year and late last year) and reported in the Spectator this morning is not the Shalom Village of...